Assalamualaikum WR.WB
How is life? in this opportunity i'm going to tell you about part of linguistic,it's semantics.. let's read:)
What is semantic?
Definition of Semantics
Semantics is the part of linguistics that is concerned with meaning
Philosophers and linguists alike have long debated the intricacies of language, how we construct meaning, and how stationary those meanings really are. You've probably heard the line, 'That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.' Shakespeare asserts here then that a name doesn't matter - it's what that thing or concept really is. Even if we ceased to call a rose a rose, we could still smell its fragrance, feel its velvety petals, and be pricked by its thorns.
You can see from the picture above
the mental image I had when I read the word 'rose.' Human communication would
become extremely tricky if we all associated completely different meanings with
a given vocabulary word. If you said 'mango' when I saw a rose, and we were
trying to describe the same thing, you can see where we'd have a problem.
Semantics means the meaning and
interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure. Semantics largely
determine our reading comprehension, how we understand others, and even what
decisions we make as a result of our interpretations. Semantics can also refer
to the branch of study within linguistics that deals with language and how we
understand meaning. This has been a particularly interesting field for
philosophers as they debate the essence of meaning, how we build meaning, how
we share meaning with others, and how meaning changes over time.
Five benefits of Semantics In Linguistics
The study of issue of meaning and its manifestation in language is normally referred to as Semantic In Linguistics. The term semantics as ‘relating to signification or meaning’/Broadly speaking, semantics is that aspect of ’ linguistics which deals with the relations between referents (names) and referents (things. that is, known as five linguistic levels and the objects-or concepts or-ideas to which they refer—and with the history and changes in the meaning of words,) Diachronic semantics which is also called historical linguistics studies semantic change over time scientifically we can say its shift and change of language across time.Synchronic semantics deals semantic relationship, which limited to the particular fixed time. This study finds the intrinsic variations of words in a fixed time.
A semanticist would like to find how people is able to understand the surface and deep structures meaning, how they can manipulate the true meaning with their own perception.
We can see A semantic analysis, of English language will have broad research because linguist has to explain role of synuomys, atnoyms, style of words, and expression of sentences with details. Because for linguistic context is more important.
it should give an account of semantic properties and relations. Hence to understand the meaning of a sentence and its semantic relations to other expressions, one must know not only the meaning of its lexical elements but also how they inter-relate.
We can say, semantic theory must:
(a) Make reference to the syntactic structure in a precise way;
(b) Systematically represent the meaning of the single words;
(c) Show how the structure of the meaning of words and the syntactic relations interact, in order to constitute the interpretation of sentences; and
(d) It must indicate how the interpretations are related to the things spoken about
Five benefits of Semantics In Linguistics
The study of issue of meaning and its manifestation in language is normally referred to as Semantic In Linguistics. The term semantics as ‘relating to signification or meaning’/Broadly speaking, semantics is that aspect of ’ linguistics which deals with the relations between referents (names) and referents (things. that is, known as five linguistic levels and the objects-or concepts or-ideas to which they refer—and with the history and changes in the meaning of words,) Diachronic semantics which is also called historical linguistics studies semantic change over time scientifically we can say its shift and change of language across time.Synchronic semantics deals semantic relationship, which limited to the particular fixed time. This study finds the intrinsic variations of words in a fixed time.
A semanticist would like to find how people is able to understand the surface and deep structures meaning, how they can manipulate the true meaning with their own perception.
We can see A semantic analysis, of English language will have broad research because linguist has to explain role of synuomys, atnoyms, style of words, and expression of sentences with details. Because for linguistic context is more important.
it should give an account of semantic properties and relations. Hence to understand the meaning of a sentence and its semantic relations to other expressions, one must know not only the meaning of its lexical elements but also how they inter-relate.
We can say, semantic theory must:
(a) Make reference to the syntactic structure in a precise way;
(b) Systematically represent the meaning of the single words;
(c) Show how the structure of the meaning of words and the syntactic relations interact, in order to constitute the interpretation of sentences; and
(d) It must indicate how the interpretations are related to the things spoken about.
Importance of study Semantics In Linguistics
Although the structuralists tried to study language without meaning, the importance of meaning has been recognized since time immemorial. Were the words eternal, one word would have meant one and the same thing in all the languages, there would have been no semantic change, and men would not have felt any necessity of learning words? Nevertheless, some western scholars too have started talking about semantic universals now-a-days, and today, there is a wide agreement than it ever was that meaning is the soul of languagsDIFFICULTIES IN THE STUDY OF MEANING
Many linguist claims that it is difficult to understand the true meaning of word. Signaling and abstract system are involved in terms of meaning. They further explained when we study the language we study the semantic system not the structure of whole language.
Scholars have long puzzled over what words mean of what they represent, or how they relate to reality. They have at times wondered whether words are more real than objects, It is impossible to describe meaning adequately in any other way except by saying how words are typically used as part of longer sentences and how these sentences are used The meanings of sentences and their components are better dealt with in linguistics in terms of how they function than exclusively in terms of what they refer to.
When we talk about meaning, we are talking about the ability of human beings to understand one another when they speak. This ability is to some extent connected with grammar.
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27 komentar
Hi Winda...
Copy paste?? where is your own word ?? Tq
Still confused nih.Biasanya kata-kata dalam semantics itu berkaitan dengan apa saja ya ? apakah Semantics berkaitan juga dengan branches linguistics yang lain ?
Terimakasih atas komen nya siti saya akan berusaga merubah dan tidak akan kopas lagi tq ya
Tq nabila komen nya saya akan berusah menjawab nya nantik ya nabila tq
Sorry kak win. Ade did not get the point of kakwin's presentation. And can you edit yourpost be easily to understand. May you give me example of synonymy??
Hallo winda,maaf sebelumnya,aku masih belum ngerti tentang penjelasanmu,Menurut ku pelajaran ini sangat sulit,karena tidak selamanya kata itu makna nya sesuai dengan yang kita tau,contohnya:piece of cake,itu kalau dibahasa indonesiakan artinya bagian dari kue,tapi kalo dibahasa inggris itu makna nya sangat gampang,jadi,apa saja yang harus kita perdalami dalam kajian semantic ini?
Pagi winda,what the connected between semantics with linguistics ?
Saya masih tidak mengerti penjelasan anda? Bisa tolong kasi penjelasan yang bisa membuat saya lebih mengerti? Mungkin dengan memperbaiki blognya.
Morning kak win! Di blog kakak ada tulisan "DIFFICULTIES IN THE STUDY OF MEANING" so, How the way mempelajari semantic dengan mudah?
thanks win. give me example of semantics more.
Kak win kita sama sama belajar ya, i think you make the reader not interested to read your blog especially Semantics, mungkin bisa di tingkatkan lagi kak^^~. and i find Semantics Analysis, what the function of that? so we have to analysis each word? Thankgo:D
Hi, blog nya dah bagus, tetapi kurang menarik
mungkin ditambahin lagi gambar atau warna biar blog nya menarik
tulisan nya juga terlalu panjang, oke itu aja
thank winda :)
Makasih nola komen nya aku berusaha memperbaiki blok nya tq nola
Tq kawan kawan komen nya saya berusaha menjawab pertanyaan kalin secepat nya tq
Hello kak winda, apa perbedaan makna dalam lexicology dengan semantics ini kak? Apakah semantics ini lebih sulit?
Ngapain minta maaf de?
Hello winda, i guess you got something like while presenting :D yet, it's okay we are all studying......
Then win, is semantics relates with other branches of linguistics ?
Keep walking , don't give up.
hi winda,i wanna give you the question,apa hubungan lexicology dan semantics and what is difference of lexicology and semantics??
tank you
haiii winda..
ada berapa type kah semantic?
tolong berikan contohnya...
hy winda,,,,apa saja hal yang membuat semantics itu begitu penting untuk dipelajri ?
Assalamualaikum kak winda,, I wanna ask you, why we have to learn about semantics? Especially in our daily life?? Thank you,,,
hallo kak win, mau nanya dong. kak winda kan menjelaskan keuntungan mempelajari semantics secara umum. kalau untuk kehidupan kita sehari-hari dan untuk kak winda pribadi, apa manfaat dari semantics kak? terimakasih.
Sorry kak winda,some people always tinking that semantics always people used to make a sentence about satire to the other people, so what do you think about that? That is a true??
Sorry kak winda,some people always tinking that semantics always people used to make a sentence about satire to the other people, so what do you think about that? That is a true??
Please explain what that is synonymous and antonyms and please give me the example
maksih kk winda
Hello winda , would you tell me about types of Semantics ??? , im tertarik about this topic
bagus kak .
kak apa sih yang membuat kakak tertarik untukmengambil semantik ? makasih kak